海淀区 民营 互联网/电子商务 人民币 10000人以上
上海有色网(SMM) --- 中国金属产业链信息门户 The Leading Integrated Service Provider Technology Company is China’s leading, independent, integrated supplier of metals market intelligence, industry events, research and consulting, and e-commerce services. SMM’s flagship portal – www.smm.cn – boasts China’s largest number of metals industry customers and has far and away the largest volume of unique daily visitors owing to the richness of its data and Chinese metals market information. SMM employs over 400 professionals dedicated to providing accurate, third-party information and intelligence to customers across China’s metals industrial chains as well as in related finance and investment sectors. SMM publishes the “SMM Price” – Shanghai spot prices for over 100 base metals, precious metals, minor metals, recycled metals, metal powders, compounds, semis, alloys, and rare earths – via its flagship portal every day. The SMM Price is widely recognized as China’s authoritative benchmark spot price. SMM’s Shanghai Nonferrous Metals Price Index (SMMI) accurately tracks the overall situation in China’s nonferrous metals market and was recognized as such with the 3rd class National Science nbsp; 全面 我们的产品和服务全面覆盖金属产业链上下游,并建有行业最大规模的企业集群。100种以上有色金属品目价格每日定时发布,为行业提供最权威、客观的价格信息指导服务。 专业 我们拥有一支业内最大的专业团队和专家库, 有着50余人的行业专家及分析师团队,其中资深专家从业经验达数十年。 整合 我们借助上海有色网的在线商机、专业论坛、网站广告、会展服务,移动终端服务等整合营销平台帮助企业寻找商务合作伙伴、提高品牌影响力以及达成营销目标。 Our Advantages Authoritative SMM Prices and the SMMI price index – products of SMM’s rigorous reporting and analysis tools – have not only been recognized and approved by the relevant Chinese government ministries and related departments, but are also recognized by market participants – from mines through downstream producers – as effective market barometers and as key reference points and standards for the setting of contract prices. Comprehensive SMM’s products and services cover the entire metals industry value chain – from upstream producers to downstream consumers – including the largest enterprises in each segment. SMM publishes prices for over 100 nonferrous metal products at fixed times each day to provide metals industry participants with the most objective and authoritative pricing and market information to inform business decisions. Expert SMM’s professional analysts are backed by an industry-leading team of over 50 industry experts, most with decades of direct experience in the nonferrous metals industries. Integrated SMM leverages the strength of its information platform to assist companies to identify business partners, promote their brands, and achieve marketing objectives by integrating services across platforms including online business matchmaking, professional forums, online advertising, conferences, and mobile terminal services. 展望未来,上海有色网将凭借雄厚的业务基
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